Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hearts at Home

Last weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Hearts at Home conference in Escondido.  It was SO wonderful and I am SO glad I went.  We started the weekend with a little sleep over at a hotel in San Marcos.  It was nice to have a little "girl time" and to be able to get a good night sleep and laugh a lot. The day of the conference was a beautiful day and the conference was such an encouragement to us all.  Sometimes we forget the gift that our children are.  In the midst of  our own busy schedules (which we create for ourselves!), being tired, trying to be wives and super mommy, we often get bogged down by fighting and whinig kids and forget to enjoy them.  Do you remember 2nd grade?  I do and as I sit here, I realize that the memories (good AND bad) that I create for Emily will stay with her for a lifetime.  I was encouraged to slow down and make the most of my children's childhood before it is gone- for both our sakes.  I could go on and on, but it was a wonderful experience.  Here are a few picts of our day!  Until next time, give your kids and extra hug and a few minutes of your undivided attention- it'll do wonders for both of you :-)