Saturday, February 16, 2008

Our best Chess ever!

Emily is in chess club.  Have I mentioned that before? She clearly did NOT get the desire to sit around, watching little pieces move around a board, from me.  I have the patience for one game. But Miss Em has been to 3 chess tournaments this year. They usually play about 7 - 9 games at each tournament. The first one...well, it wasn't so successful.  But we had fun.  She got a little better at the last tournament.  Then this tournament, she won 2 games!!!  And although she did not get a trophy, we couldn't be more proud and, n, I can't believe that my little 7 year old is mastering moves like "The 4 move Check Mate!" What a smarty pants! It was the first tournament my parents were able to make it to.  Maybe Grandpa and Grandma are good luck???

And now, a commentary from Molly!

So everything at my new home was great- that is until one day.  My new parents kept talking about how I was a big girl now and I'd soon be able to go on walks.  What they failed to mention was the price I would have to pay for those blessed walks.  They took me to the vet, a place that has always been nice to me in the past, and let the doctor stick me with needles, give me more shots, and take out a part of my insides.  Oh, and they put some kind of chip in my back.  I woke up feeling very strange.  I couldn't find the fat beagle who lives at my house ANYWHERE!  Actually, I couldn't see very well at all.  I had this large white thing around my head.  It itched and I kept running into things with it.  Mommy and daddy wouldn't take it off.  It was hard to eat, impossible to play, and worst of all, I couldn't get a good look at my new tummy.  But, low and behold, when I thought all hope was lost and was sure that my new owners hated me, I was allowed to keep it off.  The last picture is one of me at the park- yep, that's the outside world.  I'm a big girl now and it was all worth it!

Princess Emily

So, not to sound too melodramatic or anything, but is it possible that my daughter was actually meant to be a Disney Princess and somehow ended up in my house?  This is how I found her one night- completely asleep.  She was waiting for Prince Charming, or maybe for Troy Bolton to come and rescue her.  From what?  A life of having to eat healthy something other than nuggets and fries and from one in which toys left all over the ground are not acceptable.  The poor thing! Someday her prince will come...............