Saturday, February 16, 2008

And now, a commentary from Molly!

So everything at my new home was great- that is until one day.  My new parents kept talking about how I was a big girl now and I'd soon be able to go on walks.  What they failed to mention was the price I would have to pay for those blessed walks.  They took me to the vet, a place that has always been nice to me in the past, and let the doctor stick me with needles, give me more shots, and take out a part of my insides.  Oh, and they put some kind of chip in my back.  I woke up feeling very strange.  I couldn't find the fat beagle who lives at my house ANYWHERE!  Actually, I couldn't see very well at all.  I had this large white thing around my head.  It itched and I kept running into things with it.  Mommy and daddy wouldn't take it off.  It was hard to eat, impossible to play, and worst of all, I couldn't get a good look at my new tummy.  But, low and behold, when I thought all hope was lost and was sure that my new owners hated me, I was allowed to keep it off.  The last picture is one of me at the park- yep, that's the outside world.  I'm a big girl now and it was all worth it!


Annie said...

Sooo cute!!!!!!