Friday, January 4, 2008

Build A Bear

OK- so we have built probably 20 bears between the three of us- I know, it's ridiculous, but today the kids wanted to go build bears that they themselves paid for. (Christmas proved to be quite lucrative for them this year and mommy is making them put most of it in the bank!) OK, so we didn't actually build any bears, but we built one cute dog (named "Jeffy"- don't we already have one of those in the house?) and one pink leopard named Angie Boenzi (after Em's teacher at school- they are the Lasselle leopards).  And more importantly, they had a blast.  I heard the two of them talking to their animals on the way home telling them that they were going to have to take naps when they got home.  Then they decided that since they were now "parents," they would get to do what parents do: stay up til midnight watching movies and telling scary stories, and have a midnight snack.  If only they knew how mush being an adult is NOT like that- more like dragging tired bodies to bed after long, full days.  But it made me smile.  Their innocence is so wonderful in a world that is not innocent.  They continued to talk about how grown up they were and how important it was to be good parents to their new friends and then Landon said, "I love you Emily.  I love you mommy."  How can you put a limit on an umpteenth stuffed animal that promotes such sweetness.  It was another fun day to add to our wonderful vacation.  3 days left until.......SCHOOL RESUMES!


Anonymous said...

might want to change that leopards name, angie boenzi is cheating on her husband. not exactly a great role model for your children

Anonymous said...

not just cheated on her husband, but up and left him for her neighbor's and dear friend's husband. The two up and left their husband and wife and KIDS... is this the role model you want to support for your kids and schools...not teacher material to me.