Sunday, March 2, 2008

A trip to Arrowhead

A few years ago, Duane's parents found this cute little place in Arowhead called "Saddleback Inn."  It is a nice, cozy place where we can all go, bring the dogs, walk to the village, and together.  For Duane's birthday (Yep, he's FINALLY 35!), we took a trip to stay at "our cabin"....The Raven. There was still plenty of snow and the kids were able to play in it, throw it at us, make snow angels, and even do some sledding.  The sledding pictures are in Duane's camera, so those will come later, but here are a few picts to document our fun.  Ok, so Duane hates the last picture, and I can't really disagree with him.  We look, um, well, like we've had too much cake.  In reality, we are actually much smaller.  Really, I mean it!


Annie said...

We just went up to Lake Arrowhead and to Snow drift last weekend. We only went up for a few hours, but it was very fun.. It looks like you guys had a blast too. THeya re so fun aren't they????

Annie said...

oh ya..Happy 35th Duane..... LOL
I hope it was the best one yet....

Begin to Breathe said...

Yep...Rich will also be 35 this year. How do you men do it? My number actually changes as the years go by...I'm gonna have to talk to someone about that?!? Happy Birthday youngster!!

The Lenarth's