Monday, March 17, 2008

Grandma's 82nd birthday

Have you ever had one of those defining moments in life?  Well, I had one a couple of weekends ago at my Grandma's 82nd birthday party.  For those of you who do not know, my grandma has Alzheimers.  It is increasingly hard to watch someone you love forget everything that is important to them.  It is hard to see Grandma, who 5 years ago was swimming (in her swim cap of course) in Lake Havasu, Grandma who took me school shopping and came with Grandpa to every cheerleading event, choir concert, candle party, and has been such a crucial part of my life, not really know who I am.  And as my cousin Maggie and I each took part in a reading of 50 years of memories that Grandpa wrote for Grandma (15 pages!), my life's troubles were put into perspective.  Life involves it's ups and downs and it is how we deal with those ups and downs defines how much of life we really live.  I think it was therapeutic for Grandpa to remember the GOOD times they have shared over the past 50 years and although it was painful to watch him watch HER face to see a glimmer of recognition, it was touching to see the "in sickness and in health," "For better for worse" part of marriage be lived out! It reminded me that life isn't about paying bills, having a perfectly clean house, making lots of money, or about all of the stress and craziness that we put into our daily lives.  Nope, it is about living life and loving God.  It is about putting the needs of others first and sharing our lives with family and friends.  Life is about love. So although the night held mixed emotions for me, I felt I was given a gift of a refocused view of what is important.  I miss my Grandma and wish my kids would know her as I do, but God gave me some of the best times with my grandparents and for those I am grateful. Even though Grandma has forgotten, I will remember the special relationship we have always had and hold them close to my heart. So, here are some picts.  


Begin to Breathe said...

I guess you were kind of celebrating someone who really isn't here anymore...i'm sure that was difficult, but i'm so glad that you have such a beuatiful outlook on the experiences you had while she was "here". I think it's pretty special that you got to read that it must have been a privelage just to hear it. Thanks for sharing this post.


Annie said...

Christine, that disease can be so heart breaking. I have frist hand watched someone be taken by this disease. We can only hope and pray for some sort of medication that slow the effects. I remember your grandma coming to a few football games with your mom. You were lucky to have her as long as you did. You have a great outlook on it all.

DghterOfAKing said...

wow ur grandma is younger than mine!
I will take care of her for u :)