Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School!

Waitin at the gate!
The school crew. Should've brought Landon's sunglasses. We have like 10 pictures with that face!
Victorya, Emily, and Haylie. The big 3rd grade girls!
I eat lunch every day with about 8 or 9 teachers. Here we are, the majority of us, at our first of many memorable lunches!
Mr. Kindergarten. He just loved his backpack! TOO CUTE!

We have officially completed our first day of school. Emily and I started at about the same time, so we took a quick picture and then I drove to my school and Duane walked her to class. Landon started at 10:20, so he and Duane went back to school. Both kids did GREAT and are super excited to go back. I did well, too, although my air conditioning went off in the middle of my 6th period class. The classroom got to about 88 degrees, and my 7th period was not so fun. Other than sweaty, tired kids, the day was good. I had about 30 former students come by to say hi, which leads me to believe I must be doing SOMETHING right! Hard to believe we're back to homework and grading papers, but we are! Hope the rest of you are enjoying your last days of summer. Until next time....


Annie said...

You all look great ready for your first day..The kids especially with all their new gear...BRady was super excited to start first grade too. I hope they are all still enjoying it..

Begin to Breathe said...

we are just a couple weeks behind you. i keep saying i'm ready for school to start and then i am reminded of the crazy schedule we are about to embark on. school, sports, awanas, small group and my new job? is this where fitting the gym in goes out the window? i better get on the ball huh?
you look super cute in this picture mrs. mcdonald!! hope you all are adjusting well. lets meet at the pumpkin patch this year in yucaipa (random thought)!