Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Birthday Boy!

It's official- my baby boy is 5!!!!!!!!!!!!  He turned 5 this last Sunday and woke up with a new revelation.  He said, "Mommy, I think I'm taller today."  It was so.....Landon.  He is so sweet and so excited about life.  He endured a blood test and shots because he can't wait to go to kindergarten.  He also got to pee in a cup, to which he declared, "I'm a member of the pee in a cup club!" Whatever that is! He is excited to be a Lasselle Leopard like Emily.  He finished pre-school with a bang and made sure to say good-bye to all of his friends and thank his teachers- all on his own. I'm sure we've had SOME impact on him, but I think God made him extra sensitive. He is a precious little person who tries to make me feel better when I am upset and who cheers for his sister's victories as if they were his own.  I have TWO amazing I thank God for my little Landon- the precious boy who melts my heart with his sense of humor and intuitiveness.  He is truly yummy.  Happy birthday buddy!  Mommy is so proud of you!  


Begin to Breathe said...

happy birthday big boy!! Nice to catch up with you guys...all at once. i'm sure you have been super busy these days. is out. talk to you soon!


Annie said...

Wow! I can not believ ehe is already 5.. Time flies... We hope to see you sometime this summer.. Keep cool!

dawnielle said...

Ummm, could Landon be any more grown up in this photo? I LOVE his jacket!!! So cute! You're family is absolutely beautiful Christine! Can't wait to hang out soon!