Sunday, August 24, 2008

Piano pup!

I am most definitely a dog person. Perhaps that means I'm needy, but I love the fact that my dog feels the need to lay at my feet whenever I am still. Landon took this picture of me...practicing so I'm ready to lead worship at our Women's Retreat next month. I didn't know he took it, and it's pretty blurry, but I didn't realize that I was playing the piano, and using the sustaining pedal, around  Molly's body! I'm so used to her being there, that I hope I can play without her! She lays at my feet when I cook, when I blow dry my hair, and follows me in and out of every room in the morning when I am getting ready. I trip over her going up and down the stairs, which is annoying, but you've gotta love her devotion. She's pretty cute!

Madsen-Waage-Sheets reunion!

I have been blessed to have special memories with several families from the church I grew up in. The Madsens and the Waages are among some of those families. I have known them since birth and think of them as second parents, and their kids as extended family. We used to get together every month or two for a day at the beach, complete with bonfire, s'mores, and butt charades! (don't ask) Since we are all grown up, we have had a harder time getting together, but were able to have a quick get together. We were missing several from the Waage crew, but the Madsens and Sheets were in full force and we all had a great time. Hopefully we can do it again soon, and Camille, I'LL bring the s'mores stuff :-) The "kids" - Kerry, Diane, Me, Robyn, Erik and Erik, Camille, and Joe. Duane and Jeff were off playing...or just avoiding the photographers :-)
Erik and Erik, and me..... still joined at the hip?????
The girls....Kerry and Camille have become dull-fledged members of this deranged family :-)
Landon and his S'more!
The Leprchauns! Camille and I! Good angle on the picture Erik!

Fun with the ferrets!

Don't tell the state of California, but my friends Heather has ferrets! And the hugest cat ever. We hung out at their house last week, and the kids had a blast...right up until Landon had an allergy attack! After some Claritin, we were back in business and had fun playing with the forbidden pets. We'll be back at the farm soon for some more fun soon!Emily and her friends
Landon didn't want to hold one. When he finally did, he almost dropped him!
This reminds me of my cheerleading days when our ponytails had to be SOOOOOO tight!
Heather and the largest cat known to mankind!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School!

Waitin at the gate!
The school crew. Should've brought Landon's sunglasses. We have like 10 pictures with that face!
Victorya, Emily, and Haylie. The big 3rd grade girls!
I eat lunch every day with about 8 or 9 teachers. Here we are, the majority of us, at our first of many memorable lunches!
Mr. Kindergarten. He just loved his backpack! TOO CUTE!

We have officially completed our first day of school. Emily and I started at about the same time, so we took a quick picture and then I drove to my school and Duane walked her to class. Landon started at 10:20, so he and Duane went back to school. Both kids did GREAT and are super excited to go back. I did well, too, although my air conditioning went off in the middle of my 6th period class. The classroom got to about 88 degrees, and my 7th period was not so fun. Other than sweaty, tired kids, the day was good. I had about 30 former students come by to say hi, which leads me to believe I must be doing SOMETHING right! Hard to believe we're back to homework and grading papers, but we are! Hope the rest of you are enjoying your last days of summer. Until next time....

It's beginning to look a lot like school time.....

RVHS "Cheerleaders." Takes me back to the old days of 8 counts and high V's!
Landon and his cubby- the day before school.
Landon and his friend Cole. They have been friends since they were 2. They were so excited to be in the same class.

Much to my disappointment, it is time to go back to school. While most parents rejoice at the beginning of the school year, which signals the end of LONG, painfully long, summer days, it is an ending that signals the BEGINNING of a long "year" of work for me. Although I mourn sleeping in and days at the beach, it is time to get to work. Surprisingly, we had some fun getting ready to go back this year. Landon was excited to start kindergarten, Emily couldn't wait for 3rd grade, and I was involved in the all district pep rally- cheering with some of my fellow Rancho girls. We had a blast!

Monday, August 11, 2008

No itchy buns for me........!

Me, Jess, and Annie
The pile up at the water slide!
Brennan's action shot
Our kiddos.  Not too bad of a shot considering they had been swimming for 4 hours!

Jessica and Annie came over for a swim day with the kids.  We had such a great time, catching up, trading stories (I won the award for best drama in a mini-series), and watching our kids play.  Annie got the good pictures with her camera, but here are a few I captured with my phone. It was so much fun and I hope we can do it again soon.  Plenty of hot weather left.  Next time, we can go to Jessica's pool.  Or maybe they'll get the hint and sit in a chair next time. Pebble tech can be brutal and I think they went home.....itchy! HAAAAA!  Love you girls!

Fun with the Marriotts!

My friend Krista, now a Marriott, and her two kids came out for a swim day.  It was fun to catch up and hang out, while trying to endure the 100+ heat.  Thanks Kris, for making the drive, and for putting up with the stinky McDonalds playset!  YUCK! Let's do it again soon.

Dance Recital

Emily's Fans- minus Grandma- the photographer!
Intermission- we got a little silly!

Here are some pictures from Emily's 4th and last dance recital.  Her dance studio, Powerhouse, had to close their doors.  It was an emotional night, but Emily (and even Duane) danced their hearts out! I don't have one picture of her in her dance outfit, because she had a quick costume change.  Bummer! 

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Jet Ski Crew

Grandma and Em
At the sandbar!
Time to get off of the lake! :-(
No words are needed!

Here are some stills, since I am not good enough to get action shots of people on jet skis while I myself, am on a jet ski!


When Landon was little, he called Lake Havasu, "Havadu."  Although he can say it right now, the name has stuck.  Here are a few action shots.
Boogie Boy
Let the games begin!
Emily's turn!  (Yes, I can take good pictures of other people)
Flying Duane.  Actual size too!
Me and Em preparing to jump....

Beach day with Odells

Cole, Landon, Emily, and Haylie
Aren't little brothers fun???

Here are a couple of pictures from my beach day with my friend Kelly.  Our kids are in school together and love playing together.  Luckily, so do Kelly and I!  We had a great day.  The only snag, I'm not that great at taking pictures of myself with my phone.  Oops, Sorry Kel.