Paula, Rae, Kendra, Audrey, Jayla, Kristy, Emily, and Landon. Courtney and Katee were MIA and Jen and Miss Kate had to go home to nap!
Aren't we great lookin English teachers? Those are some lucky kids! :-) (We like to think they are!)
OK, before all of my blogging buddies panic, no, you didn't miss and Ocean View Reunion! A bunch of the girls I teach with came over with their kids for a swim day. It was good to see them, since we spend so much time together during the year. And it was even better that we got to hang out and not have to go grade papers, or be told by a bell when our socializing was up. Thanks Jen, Rae, Paula, and Kristy for making the drive. Can't wait to see you next week for round 2!